Thursday, February 18, 2010

Moving in Compassion and Action in Haiti

It is Thursday night (Feb 18th) and I am sitting in a hotel in Conroe just north of Houston. It has been a busy week, well a busy time since the earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, over a month ago.
In VRM emails that followed that tragic event we called for a time of prayer at VRM to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to reveal how God wanted to use VRM to serve in Haiti. In fact we called for prayer at VRM HQ as we converted the conference room to the Chapel of Compassion and Prayer for Haiti.
Amazingly, if you look back at those emails, the steps that God revealed then, is occurring now.
We felt that VRM would first have chaplains embedded in some of our responding partners- that occurred with Texas Baptist Men. We then felt that VRM would be called in to serve as counselors to assist those in trauma and grief with a start with debriefing responder teams- that is and has occurred. And eventually work with the people of Haiti and especially the children of Haiti.
That is all unfolding!
The Lord is guiding our path!
The first trip goes in tomorrow, Friday morning at 1000am through the partnership we have with Doug Stringer and his amazing organization Somebody Cares. On board that flight are directors of several other responding ministries that serve in Haiti.
In March I will be leading a VRM team of trauma and grief counselors to work with a partner who operates an orphanage and school in Haiti and has asked that we come and work with the children and staff that are in trauma.
There will be details to follow and stories to tell. But in the meantime please keep VRM teams in prayer, our responding partners in prayer and the people and children of Haiti in prayer!
Blessings to all as we move the chapel from Dallas-Ft. Worth to action on the ground in Haiti starting Feb 19th!