Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Disaster Relief and the Growth of the Cuban Church!

I was reading the July 2009 issue of Christianity Today and came across an article called "Cuba for Christ-Ahora!" It was talking about the revival that began 15 years ago and has led to astounding growth in the local church.

Though the church faces regulations and restrictions since the 1959 Revolution the current church body is made up of young and bold pastors, leaders and members who are carrying the gospel of Christ into the neighborhoods and streets. They are bold and unashamed of their faith and simply want their people to know of the liberating truth of Christ.

As one of the members is quoted from the article said- "The Church in Cuba is alive, growing, faithful, and active and persevering through difficulty."

I was interested in some of the main things that have led to the growth of this generation of Christians. In addition of course to the Holy Spirit, two main things that I can point to is that. One- the church realized that they needed a spirit of unity, of non-denominational work and ministry pulling everyone together- "One Christ, One Cuba, In Christ we are one!"

The other was that a devastation hurricane hit the island in 2008. Local churches repaired the destroyed roofs od their non-Christian neighbors first BEFORE repairing the roofs of church members. This won Christians new respect throughout Cuba!

This is what Christ was teaching us when he said to Love our Neighbors as we Love ourselves. To serve others FIRST. To be Good Samaritans and care for those hurting, in grief, in crisis and trauma.

So let us pray for our brothers and sisters in Cuba. Pray that they will continue to be a beacon of hope and that they continue to bring more people to the truth. And let us strive to serve those in despair in a hurtful world!

Let's live ready to respond everybody!

For full article go to-

Peace- Edward

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